Saturday, April 5, 2008


So one of my other classes that I have this term is Expressions in Ethnicity. It's pretty much like Intro. to Religious Studies because it's basically a discussion class. Well I find that ethnicity is something that is rather difficult if not impossible to define. It's kind of like defining religion, rather difficult if not impossible. Well ethnicity and religion are rather difficult to define at this point because I just began these classes and they are issues that I don't really think about.
Anyways, during discussions in my ethnicity class I was reminded about my religion class because just about the same issue came about. The issue was during a discussion where we were trying to define what ethnicity or ethnic is. It was pretty much like trying to define what religion is. Well, one of the many things that ethnicity and religion share when discussing them or rather trying to define them involves the need of a group in order to be considered and defined as an ethnicity or a religion. The question was whether or not you could be your own ethnicity just like whether or not you could have your own religion. It's been concluded in religion class and ethnicity class that you cannot have your own religion nor be your own ethnicity.
I see this as something that says people don't like or are afraid of the unknown and different. It seems that nowadays there is no more room for new things so everything gets pushed into the already existing categories. So far I have no real problem with this because well there hasn't really been anything that has proven this method wrong, but perhaps it should be something that is flexible with room to grow should the need ever arise. So far everything has pretty much worked out as defined, ethnicities and religions exist in groups and they seem to only exist in groups. Many things that exist as groups are still able to exist as individuals though, so perhaps these sorts of things that only exist in groups because of definition were created just so there may be groups to have no matter what.

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