Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kebra Negast

It appears that from the portion that we read from the Kebra Negast, Ethiopia is going to become the new Israel in a way. This is apparent in the dream that King Soloman has - the light/sun leaves Israel paying no heed and goes to become over Ethiopia. I see the light/sun to be quite analogous to the favor of the LORD, which has clearly left Israel for Ethiopia. Also, from this portion, it is as if Ethiopia has been lacking wisdom and became subservient to King Soloman so as to acquire more wisdom. This is shown through the Queen of Ethiopia leaving to stay with the King for some time to learn his wisdom. Later on, the son of the Queen and King, looking awfully similar to the King, also says something about the shift from Israel to Ethiopia. It sort of says that the King has a new replacement now, the new son. Also, with the Queen saying that women shall no longer rule and that the seed of the King shall only rule, she means that the son is now going to be the new ruler.

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